Together, we can make a difference

Our love for the planet drives us to operate in harmony with nature. We are committed to cultivating change by raising awareness and giving back to causes near to our hearts. We have partnered with carefully selected charities that allow us to support vulnerable communities and safeguard the environment.

From working to protect and restore our treasured Great Barrier Reef, to supporting the Starlight foundation in their endeavour to bring joy to sick children, to providing the necessary care to Mother's and infants in the early day's of life - together we can create change.

We donate $1 to charity every time you shop with Embella.

Restore the Reef

The Great Barrier Reef, a vital ecosystem and cultural heritage site, faces significant threats due to climate change and land-based run-off. With 50% of its coral cover lost since 1985, the Reef's resilience is compromised by sediment pollution and degraded water quality. Greening Australia and Traditional Owners are dedicated to restoring 2,000 hectares of eroded land and 10,000 hectares of wetlands by 2030, aiming to mitigate sediment flow and bolster the Reef's ability to recover.

Join us in supporting this crucial conservation effort to safeguard the Reef's biodiversity and the livelihoods of Indigenous Australians.

Save Mother's Lives

In Eastern Burma, 1 in 12 women are at risk of dying during pregnancy or when giving birth. 1 in 5 children will also die before the age of five. These are some of the highest rates in the world.

To prevent maternal and infant mortality, safe delivery and proper care in the early days of a child’s life is essential.

Mae Tao Clinic offers comprehensive care for pregnant women and babies through antenatal care check-ups, delivery with a trained midwife and treatment in case of emergencies, helping to save the lives of mothers and babies.

Join us in supporting this vital cause.

Bring Joy to Sick Kids

Every minute, a child is admitted to the hospital, facing the daunting reality of needles, treatments, and medical procedures. Starlight steps in to transform their experience, allowing these young warriors to embrace the magic of childhood once again. With a Starlight Express Room present in every children's hospital across Australia, our beloved superhero, Captain Starlight, illuminates the lives of seriously ill children and their families. In these vibrant havens free from medical concerns, kids can immerse themselves in games, movies, and performances, rediscovering the joy of playtime. Through daily ward rounds filled with humor, magic, and laughter, our team of over 160 Captain Starlights brings smiles to the faces of children nationwide.

How it works?

Simply make a purchase online at

On completion of your purchase you'll be presented with our charities

Select the cause closest to your heart from the charities we choose to support

We donate $1 on your behalf