When things just fall into place..

We have known both Gary Parker & Matty Hannon who are the creatives behind @thunderboxfilms for nearly 20 years.

They both went to university in my hometown of Warrnambool & Ross and I had spent many nights enjoying drinks together, as you do in your 20s!

Fast forward twenty years and we all reunited in another small town of Yamba, New South Wales. A lot has changed in everyone’s life, with kids and so forth but our friendships have remained.



We have always admired the work the boys do creatively and their passion for the environment and ocean conservation. We had talked about doing something in collaboration with them for several years but could never get everything to align and make it happen.

we decided that 2021 was going to be the year, despite all the chaos of the pandemic we wanted to roll the dice and make it happen even. For the entire month leading up to the shoot, Yamba was raining torrentially.

The plan was to create two short television commercials, a fifteen second and thirty second edit, and a longer edit for YouTube. The dilemma was that the boys were flat out with other projects and the only date everyone was available was 1 day in late February. This allowed for approximately 2 weeks to find a model, create a story line, organise a vintage car, scout locations & find someone to look after our kids to allow both of us to be on set.


We reached out to the stunning @elisetrigger as we really wanted to work with a natural beauty who could surf & whose ethos aligned with ours at Embella. Thankfully for us she was available for the date we needed, and things began to fall into place.

The basic theme for the day was to create the day of a “solo wanderer” going about her day exploring and enjoying time in her own company, wearing her stunning oceania Embella Jewellery!

Now all we needed was for the sun to shine, some waves, offshore wind & no covid lockdowns to happen! Simple, right?

Well after nearly calling the shoot off several times, the day finally arrived. We woke up to clear skies, birds chirping and a solid 4-6ft of swell and a gentle offshore breeze! The sunrise over Convent beach was absolutely stunning and set the scene for what was to be a perfect day of surf and fun times. Every location we visited was pristine and the waves pumped all day, right up to the sunset over Spooky beach.


We were so blessed with how good the day was and we are really stoked with how the edits turned out from @thunderboxfilms. We hope you guys love the new TV advert as much as we do.



Amy Addo